Sex Tourism
According to the World Tourism Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations, defines sex tourism as "trips organized from within the tourism sector, or from outside this sector but using its structures and networks, with the primary purpose of effecting a commercial sexual relationship by the tourist with residents at the destination".
Sex tourism includes domestic sex tourism, which is travel within the same country, or international sex tourism, which involves travel across national borders.
Well, in my opinion though Sex Tourism plays important role in countries economy in some of the nations like Philippines, Amsterdam, Thailand etc. But in other hand sex tourism also creates lots of problem in the country.
Due to the Sex Tourism crime rates are increasing day by day. Drug activities are flourishing rapidly and in some countries small children are the victim of sex tourism.
Sex Tourism in Thailand
Sex tourism in Thailand is illegal but in practice it is tolerated and partly regulated. Trafficking in women and children for prostitution is a big problem in Thailand. Since the Vietnam War, Thailand has gained bad reputation among traveler from many countries as sex tourism.
The entertainment places like Massage Parlors, bars, bathhouse and such other places are specially used as sex activities.
From the survey of (2008) 532,522 Thais were the victim of HIV/AIDS and from the sources most of them were involved on such activities.
According to Thai Human rights activist Kritaya Archavantikul, "This is sad to say, that the Thai social structure tends to accept this sort of abuse, and not only to accept – we have laws, we have bills that vitally support the existence of these sex establishments. That's one thing. And also, we have a Mafia that is also involved in the political parties, so this keeps the abuse going. The second reason is a cultural factor. I don't know about other countries, but in Thailand the sexual behavior of Thai men accepts prostitution. Every class of Thai men accepts it, although not all Thai men practice it. So they don't see it as a problem. So when it comes to the policymakers, who are mostly men, of course, they don't see this as a problem. They know there are many women who are brought into prostitution in Thailand. They know that some are treated with brutal violence. But they don't think it's a terrible picture. They think it's just the unlucky cases. And, because of the profit, I think there are many people with an interest involved, so they try to turn a blind eye to this problem."
Sex and drug tourism in Amsterdam
The research shows that though sex is not the main purpose of a travel in Amsterdam but most visitors definitely want to experience sex and drug in Amsterdam. British and Dutch are the main traveler involving on such kinds of sex tourism though America is one of the largest groups of travelers who like to visit Amsterdam but due to the recession there number rapidly decreased. Despite of that the number of sex tourist in Amsterdam didn't drop. The gap is fulfilled by domestic visitors. The latest trend in sex tourism in Amsterdam is that the Asian tourist likes to visit this city a lot these days.
Sex tourism seems to be the side visit of main purpose of traveling to any destinations. People purpose of travel to any destination is certain but they also want sex experience of that local place either with co-workers of domestic partners. Though this kinds of activities plays a great role in economy of country we should not forget that sex tourism always have negative impact for example sex tourism always related to drug which is a big social crime.
Top Sex Tourism Destinations in Europe
The article shows that the following countries are the top sex tourism destination in Europe;
1. De Wallen, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Amsterdam comes at first in top list of sex tourism destination in Europe. Amsterdam is famous for selling marijuan in coffee shops, different erotic museum, sex shops, peep shows and sex theaters. Prostitution is legal in Netherlands. The main reasons of becoming famous sex destination are due to high safety concern. This is the most touristy of the red light districts, and police presence is strong; steer clear of the drug addicts and coke dealers and you will be fine.
2. Reeperbahn, Hamburg, Germany
Germany is considered as second famous sex tourism destinations in European countries. Though it ranks 2nd, study shows that it is not less popular than Amsterdam. All the facilities that Sex strivers want in Amsterdam can be found in Hamburg. Live sex act is very famous especially in the safari cabaret. the most attractive thing of Hamburg is prostitutes display their body from mirror to attract customer.
3. Soho, London, England
London ranks third in sex tourism. From past to now it is success to gain popularity in sex tourism. The number of street prostitutes and brothels are among the highest in the world. These days sex tourism is not doing that much well in London but gay tourism is gaining popularity day by day as a gay culture center.
4. Rue St. Denis and Pigalle, Paris, France
France is always popular as a love city and everybody knows sex is the symbol of love and it's not surprising that paris is popular for sex tourism. rather than involving sex activities Paris is famous for business of sex materials. The number of such shops are high than any other destinations.
5. Rue d'Aerchot (Aarschotstraat in Dutch), Brussels, Belgium
This is another famous sex destination. The area is located near to the financial and business center. The main customers are business travelers.
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