Sunday, September 26, 2010

Plan Trip to German

1. Plan trip to Germany
Germany is my dream country since the time when I was in Nepal. I was quite fascinated with the art-culture, historical places and museum of this country. I had seen a documentry of Germany related with the history, people and there culture which influenced me so hardly so till that day I was just wondering to visit Germany and know it’s culture from closely and get sense of it.
Inorder to make a efficient journey, travel plan should be appropriate which will makes you easier and manage your time so effectively. While checking through the internet I got lots of sources which are really so convenient. First I prefer to check different places of Berlin and Munich as a tourism points of view through the help of google. I found lots of attractive places which are really so interesting to be there and travel and decide to choose several places like The brandenburg Gate, Reicstag, Potsdamer Platz in Berlin as well as Konigsplatz, Nymphenburg palace, Berchtesgaden National Park, Neushchwanstein castle of Munich.
After choosing several destination places of Berlin and Munich I decided to book airlines ticket from Finn air. Finn air has a good image due to it’s good services and better quality. So, I didn’t put my mind over on searching the different airlines. I am going to Germany on 10th of january 2011 and return back on 15th of january so I filled the departure and arrival time in the finn air webpage so it shows the relevant cost price. Well the price is very suitable for me.
The next step after booking airlines was to book hotels for the accomodation so I prefer to reserve the hotel from I booked  hotels in Berlin and Munich in a good cost price. In Berlin Hotel buffett breakfast is included in the room rate where as we have to pay separately for buffet beakfast in Munich Hotel.
After I reach to Germany I have to go hotel so inorder to go hotel I check from where I can get information about how can I get online taxi reservation in a easy way and cheap price. I found very relevant this webpage. I will used a cab during my journey in Munich and Berling to visit sevaral places which I think will be easier.
I had reserved a seat of train from inorder to travel from Berlin to journey. I found a relavant information on this webpage. This webpage has a clear concept so it will be easier to fill the form.
Such kinds of travel plan are very useful for everyone who are planing to travel a new place. I haven’t think such kinds of plan before but this course has really changed my mind and gave a lots of  information about how to plan in a appropriate way.

2. Finnair Ticket Price

Wed 12 Jan

Thu 13 Jan

Fri 14 Jan

Sat 15 Jan

Sun 16 Jan

Mon 17 Jan

Tue 18 Jan

Fri 07 Jan

190 EUR
215 EUR
215 EUR
260 EUR
260 EUR
260 EUR
380 EUR
Sat 08 Jan

190 EUR
215 EUR
215 EUR
215 EUR
260 EUR
260 EUR
380 EUR
Sun 09 Jan

190 EUR
215 EUR
215 EUR
215 EUR
238 EUR
380 EUR
380 EUR
Mon 10 Jan

380 EUR
215 EUR
215 EUR
215 EUR
238 EUR
215 EUR
380 EUR
Tue 11 Jan

380 EUR
380 EUR
190 EUR
190 EUR
213 EUR
190 EUR
165 EUR
Wed 12 Jan

380 EUR
380 EUR
380 EUR
190 EUR
213 EUR
190 EUR
165 EUR
Thu 13 Jan

380 EUR
380 EUR
380 EUR
238 EUR
215 EUR
190 EUR

3. Itinerary

10 January, 2011
Time 7:55               I will take train from koivukyla to Tikurilla.
Time 8:05               I will take bus from Tikurilla to airport.
Time 9:40               my flight will takeoff from Finland airport to Berlin airport
Time 10:35             I will reach to the Berlin airport.
Time 11:00             I will take cab to my hotel.

Time 13:00             this will be my starting of journey in Berlin. I will stay in Berlin for 2            nights and 3 days so I don’t have to do be rush during the journey. My     first place will be Brandenburg gate, which is known as historical place                       of Germany.
Time 16:00             I will return back to hotel and stay there till tomorrow.

11 January, 2011
Time 11:00             this will be my second trip in Berlin. I will start again to visit several places like Reichstag and Potsdamer platzz which are known as historical landmarks of Germany.
Time 17:00             back to hotel and take rest, eating lunch and dinner.
12 January, 2011
Time 7:37               I will take a train to go Munich at 7:37 am. It will take 6 hour 30 minutes from train. I will reach in Munich at 14:07. I prefer to go from train to see the nature from close and to feel it.
Time 14:20             I will take a cab to go the Novotel Munchen Airport hotel. After a long journey from the train I may get tired so I plan not to travel on that day. I decide to take rest in the hotel.

13 January, 2011
Time 12:00             this will be my first journey in Munich after coming from Berlin. I will visit several places like Konigsplatz, Nymphenburg palace in this day. Both places are historical place so I think my journey will be amazing and interesting.
Time 18:00             I will return back to my hotel and take a warm rest.

14 January, 2011
Time 11:00             this day I will be traveling national park and castle which are Berchtesgaden National Park and  Neushchwanstein castle which will be I guess wonderful journey .
Time 19:00             I will be back in my hotel. Due to the tight schedule I have to sleep earlier to wake up early in the morning another day to get train to Berlin and get flight in the airport.

15 January, 2011
Time 04:00             I will catch a train to Berlin at 4 am. I will be in Berlin at 10:30 and take a cab to airport .
Time 11:50             My flight will be takeoff at 11:50. I will reach at 14:45 in Helsinki.

4. E- Service

Connect To Real World
Service provider/business model
Who is loosing
Hel-Ber *rt
Total time: 1hr 55 min
Fast, convenient, good service
Travel agents
Easy to pay,
Time consumption
Bank personel
Hotel  booking
Cheaper, relevant
Service provided by hotel
Competitor of hotel
Ber- mun
Travel from train
Enjoying nature with close view
Confirmation through mail

5. Budgets
Finn air
215 €
Hotel + Food
465 €
199 €
80 €
Miscellaneous Expenses
80 €
1039 €